The is a unique product that not only improves your posture but also acts as a portable gym. Image source
The is a unique product that not only improves your posture but also acts as a portable gym and will help reduce your risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) during long-haul travel.
Supports and improves your posture whilst sitting at your desk
Sitting in the one position for extended periods of time is unnatural for your body. The offers 'active' support and when used consistently, it influences muscle memory and helps to improve postural habits.
When used in a sitting position, the bodybolster:
Instantly reduces muscle tension and aches
Promotes good posture alignment
Reduces neck strain, back pain and
shoulder aches
Relieves pressure on lower back
Promotes postural and ergonomic
Promotes safe in-chair stretching
Unique self-inflating feature - no pump
Portable Gym
The bodybolster assists with the natural motion of the body, encouraging fluid movement over joints and protrusions – so every stretch is lengthened by a further 20%.
The creators also have offer a handy Stretch Station chart - perfect for every fitness club, rehabilitation centre, health studio and pain management centre.
The bodybolster assists with the natural motion of the body. Image source
Use your in-flight time productively
The bodybolster allows you to perform extensive in-chair exercises to stretch, release muscle tension, improve blood circulation to avoid Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and of course, to support your back and neck.
The is valued at $79.90.
The Stretch Station charts are available for purchase for $285 for the small size and $1010 for the jumbo size.
: A History
Flavia Abbate the creator of the . Image source
Flavia Abbate launched the in 2003. The business was born from a notion to empower people by providing self help tools and resources.
The is now sold in 13 countries and the business is steadily growing. The main distribution channel has been through health care practitioners, who act as the pseudo sales force and educators. More recently, with the advent of social media and YouTube, the company is leveraging new mediums to educate and sell
online .
Address: Online at
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255809 - 2023-07-20 00:11:04